The fight for equality in sports is founded on the view that the authorities involved must recognize, appreciate, and encourage the diversity of the people that make up the sporting world (Disabled World, 2013). In essence, the argument is that everyone should be valued equally and given equal opportunities. On the other hand, diversity refers to the individual difference inherent in every human being. Equality in sporting opportunities is championed on the basis that in addition to the numerous benefits enjoyed by the individuals who are encouraged to participate, the nation and sporting communities also benefit as their health, growth and development are positively influenced (Disabled World, 2013). When everyone is afforded equal opportunities to discover and exploit their sporting potential, the community and nation are bound to benefit from their success and individual development.
Benefits of Equality in Sports
One of the significant benefits of providing equal opportunities for people to participate in sports is that it increases the pool from which a sports organization can draw talent to be employed in various capacities. Sports organizations do not only need athletes but are supported by people playing other roles such as administration, volunteering, and management (Disabled World, 2013). Embracing diversity and equality allows the organization to discover talent among different people and create employment and income sources for them. In this way, the organization can benefit from the skills, knowledge and creativity of various people regardless of their athletic abilities.
Secondly, treating people equally is also a meaningful way to encourage cohesion, unity, and sportsmanship within the sports community (Disabled World, 2013). By teaching people to value the difference and inherent value in each other, a sports community is encouraged to see beyond the physical features that define people, and to appreciate them in deeper and more meaningful ways. Thirdly, equality in sports can also act as an essential launch pad for championing equality in other facets of the socio-economic space. For example, when people grow accustomed to seeing women participating in sports that men previously dominated, they may experience a shift in their thinking and begin to embrace women acting in traditionally male roles in the economic environment. Therefore, the successes enjoyed in sports concerning equality may also spill over to the other sectors that make up an economy.
Furthermore, the equality experienced in sports may also positively impact legislation formation and implementation, more so legislation that touches on the right to equality. Where there may have been difficulty in getting the relevant stakeholders to buy into the idea of the legislation, if the social facts on the ground change so that such legislation is rendered necessary for the times, it would be easier for the stakeholders involved to gather support to pass these legislations. It would also be wise to implement them among the people upon whom the laws are imposed.
Challenges in Obtaining Equality in Sports
One of the factors that significantly hinder the encouragement of equality in sports are the social factors that affect specific groups disproportionately compared to other groups (Marivoet, 2014). For example, it is noteworthy that due to biological differences, women cannot, strictly, enjoy sports in the same manner that men can. For instance, married women will most likely have to sacrifice a part of their sporting careers to have children and possibly raise them. For this reason, it is essential to ensure that women are made aware of their reproductive rights and that they are provided with an environment in which they can make decisions regarding their bodies without undue external influences. For this reason, social activism is important, and it plays a leading role in ensuring that disadvantaged groups can enjoy their careers without the negative influences that may hinder such enjoyment and possible growth.
Furthermore, it has become increasingly evident that in some cases, especially where there is a severe disadvantage on the part of the parties concerned, there is a need for policy provisions to prevent discrimination and other adverse behavioral impediments from reaching the sports community. Whereas equality within sports may lead to a decline in the discrimination rate suffered by the disadvantaged groups, in some cases, it appears that the influence has to work inversely, i.e. changes in society may assist in improving equality in sports (Marivoet, 2014).
Lastly, the media has also been identified as one of the other factors hampering growth in equality. For instance, by providing less coverage of disadvantaged groups that are participating in sports, the media cements the prejudices that are held by the public regarding the participation of women and people with disabilities in sports. Some commentators have argued that the media is seen to be partial towards men, with women receiving very little coverage, and even then, mostly in sensational stories which do not underline their performances, skills, or abilities (Mwambwa, 2018). The major complaint in this regard is that women are less likely to be portrayed as autonomous agents, but rather as subjects of the story to whom various unfortunate occurrences happen (Mwambwa, 2018). Media is a powerful tool in achieving equality because it may motivate different people to participate in sports. If more young women see their counterparts participating in one form of sporting activity or another, they would be encouraged to do the same as such participation will move from the realm of the impossible and unprecedented to that of possibility and ordinariness.
In summary, equality in sports has been revealed to be an inestimable goal, which would create numerous opportunities for traditionally disadvantaged groups. It has been discussed that these opportunities need not be directly involved with athletics but could also be supportive and administrative. The goal in such a mission is to protect the dignity of individuals by giving them meaningful roles within the sports community, thereby allowing them to feel included and valued. As it has also been made apparent, numerous benefits accrue to the organization, which resolves to embrace diversity and equality as an organizational policy. However, it has also been shown that various challenges that operate as impediments to achieving this equality, and these challenges would have to be dealt with if disadvantaged groups were to be raised from the quagmire of discrimination and derision.
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Disabled World. (2013, June 13). Embracing equality in sports coaching. Retrieved from
Marivoet, S. (2014). Challenges of sport towards social inclusion and awareness-raising against any discrimination. Physical Culture and Sport Studies and Research, 63, 3-11. Retrieved from
Mwambwa, L. (2018). Media can promote women in sports. Gender Links for Equality and Justice. Retrieved from