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3 Reasons You May Be Having Trouble Getting Into a Workout Routine

 You don’t like the exercise you chose.

People often think that exercise has to be something that doesn’t feel good or fun to do. This isn’t true! If you hate every minute of working out – you have not found the proper exercise! Keep trying different things until you find something you don’t hate…and maybe you could start to like it!

You aren’t okay with being uncomfortable.

There is a difference between pain and discomfort. While working out should not be completely painful, it shouldn’t be completely comfortable—that is not the point. The point is to add a little stress to your body to make it work a little harder to get you stronger or leaner. Get okay with the idea of being a little uncomfortable, and your attitude toward exercise may change!

 You didn’t commit to making it a habit with a solid plan

If you want to make a routine for yourself, go at it with a solid plan. Think about it – you make a plan for anything you care about and exercise is no different. You need a plan! 


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